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12/4/12 Troop Open House and Holiday Party

Place: 400 N Oak St (American Legion Hall

Time: 7:00 pm to 8:30 (Scouts from 349 need to be at the parking lot no later than 6:30)

Description: Every year Troop 349 Hosts an open house for local Webelo Dens to come and see how a Boy Scout Troop operates and what they can expect to do when they join 349. The event is broken down into two sections:

A presentation on the value of scouting and how the troop operates for parents and guardians
-Why scouting helps with college admissions
-What is the definition of boy led
-Troop plans for the coming year

A hands on demo for webelos and boys considering joining the troop
-Primer on orienteering
-Navigate to 4 stations
-Observe scouts working in each station and ask questions
-Successfully complete the course and receive a 349 badge of merit

The open house takes place in the legion hall for parents and outside in the parking lot (rain or shine) at 4 stations featuring hands on activities and demonstrations in the following scout requirements:

  • Fire building
  • Camp site cooking
  • Camp site set-up
  • Lashing

As the boys navigate the stations they are encouraged to take part in some of the activities and then upon successfully completing the course they will receive a special Troop 349 Badge of Merit. While this is taking place parents are encouraged to sit through a short presentation and then ask questions about the troop and it’s operations. The last 20 minutes is a small court of honor followed by the Troops annual holiday party with drinks cookies and informal meet-and-greets.



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